Sunday, August 30, 2009

This Post Secret

Describes me so well.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Neglected Child

aka my blog. Sorry about that, I just haven't been all too interesting lately. Summer is ticking to an end and on Monday I start college again, bleh. So if I don't look too narcissistic I'll probably do updates while I'm in class.
So my new website addiction is extremely narcissistic of me right? Oh well.. I dig it. The whole "mapping the progress" of how you change over a year and such is a cool idea. It's like 365 day Flickrs for people to lurk and comment. Works for me.
But I have been taking sporadic outfit pics and just haven't uploaded them until today. So here are my new hippie pants and me looking grungy:

I love my car :)
Also, here's an epic pic I took of the moon from my patio:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Obsession

Krysten Ritter and her band Ex Vivian. I just downloaded (and paid for) all of her songs. She's a goddess. She can act, model, and sing? Hottest triple threat ever.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Cleanin' Out My Closet

I cleaned out at least half of my clothes this weekend. Needless to say my friends were really stoked to gain new weardrobes. But now my closet looks so sad. (yes I'm watching Mean Girls, so sue me) I don't even wear the tee shirts unless I just feel icky that day. But I put aside $200 for back to school shopping ($100 of which might go to Warped swag tomorrow) but idk what to get, I'm thinking juse some Forever 21 things and possibly some UO wedges.
Like theeese:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Looove Karmaloop!

Originally $110.. on sale for $15. My prayers have been answered.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sober Supervisor

I entertain myself at parties.. and fail at supervising. The "drunkest man alive" aka my friend Will took most of these pics with my camera. I love this F21 tank dress.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Legalize It

New favorite shirt <3
From AA.
Been spending time with the friends before everyone goes back to school. I love wearing this shirt into our conservative hick town, the looks I get are so amusing.